treat your people to AN

energetic reset

hosting an event, mastermind or retreat?

Help attendees deeply relax and settle into the space with expert-led energy healing.

We love collaborating with brilliant people who create transformative experiences for their clients, and we will happily tailor our offering to compliment your programming. 

Whether you’re interested in meditation, Reiki, Oracle Card Pulls, or something completely custom, we relish the opportunity to share holistic energy healing with your cherished community.

work in a corporate environment?

After 10 years working in the corporate world, I have an intimate understanding of the fast-paced environment. Rested, rejuvenated employees produce better results…and feel much happier doing it. 

Treat your team to an in-person or virtual meditation, group Reiki or value-packed presentation full of tips they can use to regulate their own energy at work.

We have tons of experience speaking and sharing with a variety of audiences and customize every collaboration to ensure your audience receives maximum value.



Podcast interview

Transformative conversation with Ronnie Ann Jones, from BreatheLoveAndMagic Podcast. Listen to the exchange here on how to create a new identity and what it means to illuminate your natural radiance. Available everywhere!

6 week trauma informed intensive

Bridget and Katie co-hosted CT's 1st women's transformational healing community. From  reconnecting with nature, nourishing their bodies, and releasing trapped emotions, these women received the best gift - renewal of soul.

the stepmom summit

Katie was welcomed back to the Stepmom Summit to present on How to Heal The Mind, reprogramming subconscious thoughts. The mission of the summit is to help stepmoms build a blended family life they truly love.  


Katie offered a bonus healing session in Lisa's 6 week group coaching program for accountability. The session focused on mindset for living your best life.


Steph Furo and Katie teamed up to bring together mothers who seek intuitively nurturing their starseeds and guiding you to mother yourself along the way.


Natalie invited Katie to collaborate in this summit to redefine success. The speakers in this group were 🔥🔥🔥.

the stepmom summit

Katie Presented how to ditch the overwhelm and tune into your inner power by creating a new identify and how to embody her now. 


It sends me over the moon to go live with Laura Mazzotta. Watch the replay of this fiery conversation!

food for life interview

Ashley and Katie talk about the healing journey with reiki, book launch, crystals, and more. Watch it here.

let us know how we can support your community.